Wednesday 14 March 2007

Questionnaire Response - Rebecca Green

1. What did you use Netbox for?
Browsing the internet

2. Would you like to see other features on Netbox?If so, please write them in the following space:

3. Did you connect Netbox (plug it all in) by yourself?

If you chose 'No', please do not answer question 4 - go straight to question 5.

5. What things (if any) did you connect to Netbox ?
I don't know

6. If you did connect an of the above, was the input (where you connect it to) difficult to find?
I don't know

7. How easy was the remote control to use?

8. Was the remote control?:
Just right

9. Were the buttons with numbers?:

Just right
Too close together

10. What would you change about the remote control, if anything?
I would make the shape more comforatble and the buttons easier to use.

11. Was the remote control comfortable to use?

12. Was the main menu (displayed below) easy to understand?

13. Was the surf the web option (displayed below) easy to use?

If you chose 'Yes', please do not answer question 14 - go straight to question 15.

14. What did you find difficult about the surf the web option?
(no answer provided)

15. Was the writing on the web-pages that you viewed?:
Just right

16. Was the view your email option (displayed below) easy to use?

If you chose 'Yes', please do not answer question 17 - go straight to question 18.

17. What did you find difficult about the view your email option?
(no answer provided)

18. Was the chat and socialise option (displayed below) easy to use?

If you chose 'Yes', please do not answer question 19 - go straight to question 20.

19. What did you find difficult about the chat and socialise option?
(no answer provided)

20. How many hours did you use your Netbox over the trial period?
0 to 5 hours

21. What did you like about Netbox?
(no answer provided)
22. What did you dislike about netbox?
The controller made me feel stupid sometimes. I don't like to be made to feel stupid. It is not me that's stupid; it's technology that's stupid!

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