Sunday, 11 March 2007

Prototype Questionnaire Refinement

As outlined in the 'prototype questionnaire' post, the purpose of our prototype was to act as a template. It allowed use to define the objectives of the questionnaire (so that we could formulate questions that would elicit useful repsonses) but also helped us to understand the capabilities of the questionnaire format. Upon reflection, we envisaged how each persona may respond to the prototype and came to the following conclusions:

  • The language of the questions needs to be better-targeted to our target personas (some of the questions had been written in language that was familiar to us but may not be to all of our respondents)

  • Questions depend on accurate recall of information that may be difficult to recall

  • There was little room for providing qualitative responses

  • Many "don't know" options had not been included, which we felt risked the possibility of respondents providing false answers to questions

  • We wished to give further consideration to the type of questions we would employ (open/closed etc) and how we could benefit from them


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