Friday, 9 February 2007

User Interface: Scrollable display

I was just reading the following on BBC News:

Scrollable displays set to debut

"One of the first mobile devices with a scrollable screen will go on sale in Italy later this year. Billed as a PDA, electronic book and music player the Readius device has onboard a flexible LED screen that unrolls to 12.7cm (5in) across. Polymer Vision, the creators of the gadget, claims the high-contrast black and white screen is as readable as printed paper."

Quite impressive... and a possible idea for our product: could a (basic) "keyboard" scroll out from the product's remote control so it's an all-in-one input device?

1 comment:

James McDonald said...

Nice find there Paul. Looks like a great piece of ergonomic design. Reminds me of the jog-dial on some older Sony mobile phones. A really 'handy' interface...if you'll excuse the pun. Perhaps this is something we should give thought when approaching the specifics of handset design.

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