Sunday, 11 February 2007

Persona 2: Rebbecca Green (68)

Like the gadget my daughter bought me for my phone, I think some things are just too complicated for me. The instructions don't help either...

Full Name: Rebbecca Green
Age: Sixty Eight
Ethnicity: Afro Caribbean
Marital Status: Divorced
Children: Two Daughters
Occupation: Retired cleaner
Income: £ 950 per month


Rebbecca lives in a council flat in the Perry Barr area of Birmingham. Couple of years ago she started to wear glasses and lately her hearing's become somewhat weak. Also for years she takes medication for arthritis.Both of her daughters are married, one lives in New Castle and the other in London. Busy with successful careers they only visit Rebbecca once a month. Rebbecca has three grandchildren one aged twelve and the other two below the age of ten. Like all grandmothers she loves her grandchildren very much. She complains that she doesn't get to see them very often.Sometimes she wishes that she could move back to Caribbean to live among her relatives of whom she's hardly seen since she moved to UK over thirty five years ago, but her daughters would not allow her (fearing for her health).

Typical Activities

Rebbecca loves playing bingo but she doesn't goto the local bingo parlour. She complains that the place is too noisy for an old lady like herself.She enjoys her trips to the market. These days that's the only opportunity she have to meet up with her old friends. They spend hours talking and catching up old times. Rebbecca also attend the church several times a week.

Computer Proficiency

Rebecca has never used a computer.She worries about the amount of time her grandchildren spend playing computer games. It doesn't help that she doesn't know anything about computers and games.

Attitude to Internet

She has heard of the internet via her grandchildren and general media. However, she doesn't understand what it actually is or how it may be of use to her.

Attitude to Technology

Rebbecca is not very keen on technology. Recently one of her daughters bought her a hands-free phone kit, but Rebbecca refused to accept it, claiming "It's too complicated for me." In fact that sums up her view of technology. She argues for sixty odd years she survived without having to depend on gadgets, she doesn't want to make any effort now to change her lifestyle. She thinks some of the technology is innately evil. However there's one technology she has happily integrated into her life: Television. She's very proud of brand new flat screen HD TV, and she has mastered the remote controller. In particular she's very fond of "pressing the red button".


She may be interested in using the internet if it could provide information similar to that obtained via "pressing the red button". Sometimes she is frustrated by the lack of video content available via BBCi, so she would be interested in learning how to view video via the internet (if it doesn't require too much learning). Additionally, she does not want to be made to feel stupid or patronised by using the technology

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