Thursday 8 February 2007

User Interface Considerations

I was pondering a brief chat we'd had regarding user interfaces when I recalled a video I'd seen recently. It's Jeff Han, a research scientist at New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, showcasing a Minority Report style interface (first video of the two above). Another similar video (the second) got me thinking about how we could incorporate games or physical exercise software into the system (perhaps akin to Nintendo Wii, as opposed to touch-screen?), as a way of encouraging the elderly to keep a good range of motion in their upper limbs. Might not be directly relevant to what we do but it sure blows the dust from the cerebrum!


Paul Edwards said...

That's an incredible system! Great find, James. I like the idea of a product that will enable the elderly to engage in physical activity at home. In relation to our product idea so far, it's something to consider for the user interface.

James McDonald said...

I know that it's a little ambitious for our product but, like I said, it gets the brain going. Paul, do you still have those draft prototype images you did? We should post them, to show what we've considered thus-far.

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