Thursday, 15 February 2007

Persona 4: Maureen Smith (75)

Name: Maureen Smith
Age: 75
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: White British
Marital Status: Widowed
Children: Two Sons, Two Daughters
Location: Manchester
Occupation: Retired Nurse/Part-Time Home-Help
Hobbies: Photography, Watching Television

"I've never used the interweb before. I think that kind of thing is for the younger generation. It's all very confusing..."


Maureen is a 75-year-old retired nurse. Since the death of her husband several years ago she has lived alone in a terraced house which is her own. She is close to her immediate family and regularly visits them during the daytime. Despite her age, she remains fiercly independent and enjoys new challenges.

In the latter stage of her career she had ascended to a senior level and helped coordinate the patient care performed by other members of health care teams, such as physical therapists, medical practitioners, social workers, and dietitians. Consequently, she is a very outgoing person and socialises easily. This was instrumental in her obtaining a part-time voluntary position as a home-help for local 'elderly' residents, some of whom are now close friends.

Typical Day

A typical day for her would involve performing daily chores until about 11am, after which she visits one of her granddaughters who has recently given birth. From the hours of 2-6 she acts as a home-help to less-mobile elderly people in the community. Recently, both to pursue a personal interest and exapand her social life, she has enrolled on a photography course at night school. Once the course commences, this will occupy her time between 7-9 every Tuesday and Thursday. Every night she either receives phone-calls from members of her family who, despite her independence, worry that she may become frail and forgetful in her old age.

Computer Proficiency

Has never used a home computer.

Attitude to Internet

Unsure of what the internet actually is. Thinks the technology is for younger people but wouldn't mind hearing more about why it might be of use.

Attitude to Technology

Is comfortable using general household appliances but sometimes gets confused with all the buttons on her TV remote. She tends to use 2 remote controls when using SKY: one for the volume on her TV, and the other to change channel. She thinks that "things should be more easy to use".


Would like to learn how to use Netbox so that she could use the internet and a digital camera (she is planning on upgrading from a traditional film-based model).

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